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Green Job Growth Toolkit

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The toolkit for youth workers explores the importance of "green skills" in modern work and sustainability, detailing their impact across various sectors and their role in achieving sustainable development goals.

Aims of the tool

The main aims of the toolkit are:

-Highlight the Importance of Green Skills: To emphasize the crucial role of green skills in reshaping work, sustainability, and economic growth within the context of modern job markets and global sustainable development goals.
-Showcase Sector Transformation: To illustrate how green skills are driving significant changes across diverse sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green construction, and environmental conservation. This includes discussing the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and clean technologies in transforming business practices and creating new employment opportunities.
-Promote Sustainable Development: To emphasize the role of green skills in fostering a holistic approach that integrates environmental stewardship, economic viability, and social equity.
-Empower Youth Workers: To provide a comprehensive toolkit designed to equip youth workers with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively cultivate green skills among the younger generation, thereby bridging the gap between environmental consciousness and practical competencies.
-Link to Global Goals: To connect the promotion and implementation of green skills with global Sustainable Development Goals, underscoring the local and international efforts required to shape a sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

Description of the tool

This toolkit provides a comprehensive guide on integrating green skills into youth work. It includes an in-depth look at essential green skills, their importance in the job market, and their connection to sustainable development. The toolkit offers strategies for youth workers to engage young people in green initiatives and outlines the core competencies needed for environmental awareness, sustainable development, circular economy, and renewable energy. Each section includes relevant skills, job relevance, and recommended methodologies. The toolkit also covers implementing these skills through activity-based learning, developing green attitudes, and effective monitoring and evaluation practices. Advanced topics discuss climate adaptation strategies and preparing youth for green jobs, emphasizing continuous learning and adaptation in the evolving field of green skills.

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Tool overview

Green Job Growth Toolkit

This tool addresses

Project Management, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Transnational Youth Initiatives
Strategic Partnerships

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

The tool was created by the KA2 consortium "Green Job Growth"

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Raffaella Vitiello (on 3 May 2024)

and last modified

25 April 2024

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