TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Virginia Hernández has 10 references for past work as a trainer.
Freelance trainer, projects manager, projects writer, youth worker
For several years now I have been involved in different youth organisations as European volunteers mentor, project manager, trainer, etc. with long experience as a non formal education trainer.
At local level I have long experience as youth worker, working with mix abilities groups of youngsters and thoose in social exclusion risk. In this field I have been runing activities to promote social participation on youngsters, volunteers trainings and empowerment of youngsters as social change makers.
I have deep understanding and knowledge of the European programmes for youth: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.
I studied Spanish sign language interpretation (VAT studies), I did not know it at that time, but it lead my way to mix abilities and inclusion. Now I'm taking the university degree on Spanish sign language and Deaf community.
My non-formal education began when I was really young, being involved in a local youth club. I learned a lot in that time, so for me was natural to become a youth worker. My first international non-formal education experience came when I was 28 years old and I took part in a Youth in Action TC in Switzerland. Since then I have been working hard to develop my own projects and to be a good trainer.
Many other trainings came after, until 2021, when I was selected for SALTO'S ToT, which finalized on June 2022; after that I took part in YOCOMO ToT (2023-2024 edition)
Spanish sign language; International sign system
This profile was last modified on 2024-08-17