European Training Calendar
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Training Course
12-18 April 2024 | Weimar, Germany
Training series “Making Magic in the Kingdom of Volunteering” for ESC project coordinators, other staff of ESC organisations, mentors (to be) of volunteers, facilitators involved in ESC & other volunteering projects and ex-volunteers
We start from the belief, proven by more than 8 years of field experience, that offering opportunities for organizations to build capacity concerning Volunteer Management Skills is essential for a quality implementation of international volunteering projects (focused e.g. on the European Solidarity Corps Programme - ESC).
Based on this - 3 long-term partner organizations - EJBW, Weimar, Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyioton, Lefkosia (Youth Accreditation holders), and Pro Vobis, Cluj-Napoca - hereby propose to you a sequence of 5 trainings, under the title: "Making Magic in the Kingdom of Volunteering".
The proposed trainings are developed as a result of our common experience since 2015, from the era of European Voluntary Service (EVS) up to European Solidarity Program (ESC) and aim to achieve common ground and understanding on volunteer management issues, mentoring skills, professional development regarding youth workers key competences - based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers, creating a community of practice and peer support among the implementers of European Volunteering projects. A special focus will be given to the role of mentors and competences for mentors.
We are inviting volunteering project coordinators, (support) staff of ESC hosting & sending organisations, mentors (to be) of volunteers, facilitators actively involved in ESC & other (international) volunteering projects and ex-volunteers to join one or more of the following training activities under the title “Making Magic in the Kingdom of Volunteering”:
Interested persons are invited to choose one or more of the above-listed trainings, according to role, need of staff development & interest.
Deadlines for applications for the single events are mentioned separately.
Volu.M.Entry: 20th - 26th of October 2023 in Weimar, GERMANY (DEADLINE 17.09.2023)
Target group of the event: representatives (coordinators, staff, mentors, support-persons) from organisations that have entered the ESC program recently, or newcomers in the field of volunteer management (either new or experienced organisation representatives )
Mentors Training (I): 20th - 27th of January 2024 in Lefkosia/Lysos, CYPRUS (DEADLINE 19.11.2023)
Target group of the event: newcomers in the field of mentoring & mentors to be
Volu.M.Experience: 16th -22nd of March 2024 in Cluj (rural area nearby), ROMANIA (DEADLINE 14.01.2024)
Target group of the event: EX volunteers who are still involved or potentially involved in the field of youth work - we aim to gather the experience and perspectives of former volunteers as participants in volunteering projects and define issues, content, topics related to volunteer management, so that future projects may rely on lessons learned from practice, for improved quality implementation.
Mentors Training (II): 12th - 18th of April 2024 in Weimar, GERMANY (DEADLINE 11.02.2024)
Target group of the event: participants who have had at least some experience in mentoring volunteers (at least 3 volunteers mentored)
Volu.M.Enhanced: 25th of June - 1st of July 2024 in Lefkosia/Lysos, CYPRUS (DEADLINE 21.04.2024)
Target group of the event: representatives (coordinators, staff, mentors, support-persons ) from organisations that have experience in both EVS and ESC projects (at least 3 project implemented and finalised), for sharing a deeper introspection on the volunteer management process, challenges and good practices in European Volunteering projects
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 25 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors
Working language(s):
Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton (Others)
Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton is active in the city of Lefkosia. It is made up of people who work in the field of Art and Culture and aims, with events and presentations it organizes, to offer creative opportunities to the citizens of Lefkosia and its members, mainly through arts, music and dance. It is a non-profit organization and provides resources from its members' subscriptions and offers from individuals or organizations that trust its activity. Since its foundation in 1999 it has developed a rich artistic activity and has managed to establish itself in the consciousness of the citizens of Lefkosia as one of the most important cultural institutions of the city.
Contact for questions:
Markus Rebitschek
Phone: +49 (0) 3643 827 115
A financial contribution from each participant is required upon individual situation & decision per event:
Reduced fee: 25,00 EUR (e.g. pupils, unemployed persons, volunteers)
Standard fee: 50,00 EUR (e.g. students)
Solidarity fee: 75,00 EUR (e.g. persons in job/employment)
In case you are not able to effort the fee please contact us for individual solutions.
Accommodation & food are provided
We will reimburse the travel costs on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc., within the provided limit, from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return, accompanied by original and/or electronic documents (tickets, invoices, bookings, boarding passes etc.), based on the rates of the “distance calculator” of the European Commission and related regulations as follows:
10-99 km: 23,00 EUR
100-499 km: 180,00 EUR
500-1999 km: 275,00 EUR
2000-2999 km: 360,00 EUR
3000-3999 km: 530,00 EUR
Green travel can be applied upon previous request & information.