Call for Trainers
European conference "Value and Recognition of Youth Work"
AMPEU (Croatian National Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes) and JUGEND für Europa (German National Agency for the EU youth programmes) is looking for
Two facilitators (Lot 1), one rapporteur (Lot 2) and one communication expert (Lot 3) for the European thematic conference "Value and Recognition of Youth Work"
Application deadline:
30 June 2023
Moving towards better promotion and recognition is at the heart of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) and its implementation within the Bonn Process. The Bonn Process is a joint effort to implement the EYWA, the common strategic framework for strengthening and further developing youth work across Europe.
The thematic European four-day conference "Value and Recognition of Youth Work" will be held in Croatia from 4 to 7 December 2023 with approx. 70 to 80 participants. The target group consists mainly of actors/experts from the youth work sector and representatives from other sectors who will be invited as experts/speakers.
The overall aim of the conference is to contribute to creating more recognition of youth work. Further reflection on the different dimensions of recognition and the focus of the work package is needed. So far, recognition as understood in this way addresses the following four areas:
- Self-recognition (valuing one’s own work as a field and gathering evidence of the impact of one’s own work)
- Formal recognition (recognition of individual learning in youth work by young participants and individual competences and pathways in the provision of youth work by youth workers and trainers)
- Societal recognition (of the value of youth work as a professional field that contributes to society)
- Political recognition (in the shape of adequate political, legal and financial framing conditions and cross-sectoral cooperation)
Aims of the conference
- To share and explore good practices and strategies for strengthening recognition and to bring together what is already happening within the youth work sector (from different recognition dimensions and from different countries)
- To learn about good practices in relation to recognition in other sectors
- To create an overview of the current state of recognition of youth work (building on a communication campaign prior to the event and a collection of initiatives during the event)
- To create a common message about the value of youth work that can be communicated to others external to our fieldwith one voice
- To empower participants and facilitate capacity-building to increase commitment to recognition (by increasing knowledge, tools, resources, networks etc.)
- To develop strategies and action-planning to further strengthen the recognition of youth work
- To develop strategies and action-planning to create strategic alliances with other sectors
- To explore the opportunities of the EU youth programmes for implementing measures to strengthen the recognition of youth work
Requested trainer profile
Lot 1: Two facilitators
Desired profile
We are looking for two facilitators to prepare and implement the event.
Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- Knowledge of the recognition of youth work, including situations at national level, developments in Europe as well as practices and tools (20%)
- Knowledge of youth work in Europe, especially the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Process as well as the EU youth programmes (20%)
- In-depth experience of preparing, facilitating and following up, in English, youth work events in Europe (20%)
- Experience of group discussions and processes, providing space and dynamic methods for participants to share, network, participate and build ownership and capacities (20%)
- Fluency in English, both oral and written (20%)
The successful candidates will be required to:
- Prepare the programme, including all its various elements, based on an event concept developed by the event team
- Facilitate the programme in close cooperation with the event team
- Include digital tools in the programme, such as tools for collecting group work results, integrating expert inputs via video conferencing tools etc.
- Prepare and implement an evaluation and provide guidance to participants regarding the follow-up to the conference
Lot 2: One rapporteur
Desired profile
We are looking for a rapporteur to participate in the whole event, to report about the flow of the conference to participants and to prepare a written report documenting the results and conclusions of the conference, in close cooperation with the event team.
Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- Knowledge of the recognition of youth work, including situations at national level, developments in Europe as well as practices and tools (20%)
- Knowledge of youth work in Europe, especially the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Process as well as the EU youth programmes (20%)
- In-depth experience of documenting, in English, youth work events in Europe (20%)
- Experience of capturing and orally presenting main developments during the event programme (20%)
- Fluency in English, including excellent written English (20%)
The successful candidate will be required to:
- Participate in and observe and follow the event, capturing main developments
- Summarize impressions and results from the working sessions at different moments in the event programme in front of the plenary in an attractive way
- Document the event, including by means of a report to be accompanied by a collection of generated materials
Lot 3: communication expert
Desired profile
We are looking for a communication expert mainly for the run-up to the conference (summer to December 2023) to prepare and implement a communication campaign focusing on collecting and sharing stories and good practices of recognition.
Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- Knowledge of the recognition of youth work, including situations at national level, developments in Europe as well as practices and tools (20%)
- Knowledge of youth work in Europe, especially the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Process as well as the EU youth programmes (20%)
- Excellent written English skills (20%)
- In-depth experience of copy-editing texts for different media formats, including news articles and social media (20%)
- Ability to present complex content in a comprehensible and attractive way and to make it accessible to diverse target groups (ranging from youth work practitioners to recognition experts and decision-makers) (20%)
The successful candidate will be required to:
- Research and present examples of good practice and impact stories about the recognition of youth work and link existing and upcoming initiatives, resources, publications, events, projects etc. to the conference
- Conduct preparatory and follow-up activities associated with the writing of these texts (e.g. research, briefings, interviews etc.)
- Write thematic and event-related news, interviews, background information related to the conference topic as well as the impact of youth work practice on young people, on youth workers and trainers, on the field of youth work and on other sectors, to be published in various formats such as news and website articles and social media posts
- Back up facilitation during the conference (sessions related to good practice examples/providing additional help to the two main facilitators)
- Participate in the event and produce communication content such as social media posts about the event and news articles about the conference
Working conditions
The successful candidates in Lot 1 (two facilitators) will be required to:
- Participate in online preparatory meetings between June and November 2023 and prepare the event, which includes preparing the programme, including all its various elements, based on an event concept developed by the host, and preparing and guiding participants before the event (three days)
- Participate in a preparatory meeting of the preparatory team (facilitators, AMPEU and JUGEND für Europa team members) in Zagreb (probably on 3 December 2023; one day)
- Participate in the event from 4 to 7 December 2023 and facilitate the programme in close cooperation with the event team (including informal programme elements and/or joint evening events) (four days)
- Participate in a (digital) evaluation meeting after the event, develop, implement and analyse an evaluation and provide guidance to participants regarding follow-up (two days)
The selected facilitators will each receive remuneration of €3,300 (based on an estimated working time of 10 days) upon completion of all tasks.
The successful candidate in Lot 2 (one rapporteur) will be required to:
- Participate in online preparatory meetings between June and November 2023 and prepare the event (two days)
- Participate in a preparatory meeting of the preparatory team (facilitators, AMPEU and JUGEND für Europa team members) in Zagreb (probably on 3 December 2023; one day)
- Participate in the event from 4 to 7 December 2023 and summarize impressions of and results from the working sessions in the event programme (four days)
- Participate in a (digital) evaluation meeting after the event, compile the event documentation, including a report to be accompanied by a collection of generated materials and follow-up document/action plan for participants and organizers (three days)
The selected rapporteur will receive remuneration of €3,300 (based on an estimated working time of 10 days) upon completion of all tasks.
The successful candidate in Lot 3 (one communication expert) will be required to:
- Participate in online preparation and monitoring meetings between June and December 2023 (two days).
- Work on the design and content of the communication campaign and prepare a production plan for the campaign (incl. in cooperation with the event team (two days)
- Write articles and contributions for various media formats and run the campaign between August and December 2023. The scope of the campaign is to be developed at the beginning and could possibly involve appr. two articles per month (appr. 10 articles in total) and three to four social media posts per month (approximately 15 to 20 posts in total) (ten days).
- Participate in an evaluation meeting and contribute to the follow-up of the campaign (one day).
The selected communication expert will receive remuneration of €4,950 (based on an estimated working time of 15 days) upon completion of all tasks.
Team composition
The two facilitators, one rapporteur and one communication expert will work closely with the event team comprising the European Service Centre for the Bonn Process at JUGEND für Europa (the German National Agency for the EU youth programmes) and AMPEU (the Croatian National Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes).
Application & selection procedure
Apply no later than: 30 June 2023
How to apply:
Please submit your application using this form:
It is possible to apply for one or several lots. The application deadline is 30 June 2023. We will get back to all applicants by 15 July 2023. In case that the rating of several candidates is very close to each other, final selection will be made following online interviews. These are expected to take place between 3 and 12 July.
You will be informed about the selection by: 15 July 2023
For more information
Elke Führer, Advisor on the European Youth Work Agenda
Phone: + 49 228 9506-289
SALTO received this call via its website and is not responsible for its contents. Please contact the organiser directly for more information. Please notify of any feedback regarding the call for trainer system.