Call for Trainers Call for experts Mentoring and coaching under research
Context: The current call for experts is part of the international concept “Mentoring under Construction” which is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps ( ) Starting with 2020, SALTO European Solidarity Corps together with the Romanian National Agency for European Solidarity Corps opened the process of exploring the current realities of mentoring in the ESC programme. The process involved livestreaming events about mentoring and online meetings with mentors, project coordinators, NA staff. This initiative was supported by various National Agencies from the youth programmes network. Alongside with mentoring for volunteering projects, coaching for solidarity projects are among the most important support tools offered in the European Solidarity Corps. To further explore and deepen the understanding of mentoring in the European Solidarity Corps programme, the SALTO ESC together with the Romanian National Agency for European Solidarity Corps, Austrian NA and the French National Agency are looking for a team of consultants. To look for synergies among the similar processes, the second layer of the research will gather relevant data related to coaching as well. This research work shall connect the existing offers from different National Youth Agencies towards supporting mentoring and coaching processes in Europe, with the already existing know-how in the field (various organisations have produced resources for mentoring and coaching over the years) and with the current needs of mentors and coaches that are expressed in the field. The outcomes will serve as a common ground for further proposing activities that support and increase quality in mentoring services offered under European Solidarity Corps. The research team will have all the support from the SALTO European Solidarity Corps, with the Romanian National Agency, Austrian National Agency and the French National Agency together. Requested trainer profile
The team of experts shall:
Working conditions
Renumeration: 14400 EUR, equivalent of 45 x 320 EUR/ day (all taxes included). The payment will be made in two instalments, one of 40% (5760 EUR) in the first 3 months of the assignment and the rest of 60 % (8640 EUR) in 30 days after the final product is submitted and approved by the team.
Team composition
The selected team of experts will collaborate with representatives from European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre (SALTO ESC), Romanian National Agency for European Solidarity Corps, Austrian NA and the French National Agency. Application & selection procedure
Apply no later than: 10.04.2022 To be onboard, you would need to:
You will be informed about the selection by: 15.04.2022 DownloadsFor more information
Romina Matei, Programme officer Disclaimer
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