Call for Trainers

Call for Digital Facilitator - Inclusion & Diversity Forum

SALTO Inclusion & Diversity is looking for

1 digital facilitator

Application deadline:

29th July 2020, 23:59 CET


Dates: October-November 2020 (Inclusion & Diversity Forum 16-19 November 2020 – Ostend, Belgium)

Number of participants: 50 participants in the on-site programme (plus online participants)

The Inclusion & Diversity Forum is an event organised by SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Resource Centre with the financial support of 10 National Agencies of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme and European Solidarity Corps.

The on-site part of the activity will take place on 16-19 November in Ostend, Belgium (16 arrival of participants, 17-18 full working days and 19 departures after lunch). For the on-site programme, SALTO I&D has already identified an experienced team of four facilitators that have developed the concept and draft programme of the Forum. In addition, an (online) rapporteur is part of the team, responsible for setting-up a micro-site to harvest all the relevant content of the activity.

Due to the current situation with COVID-19, SALTO I&D has decided to add an online dimension to the Forum to assure that more participants can benefit from this activity (e.g. as there might be some travel restrictions at that time and the initially planned group size might have to be reduced). This online dimension will include live streaming of certain sessions as well as few activities before and during the Forum.

Find more info about the event here:

Requested trainer profile

  • Very Good English.
  • Experience with online training and facilitation of international events (e.g. e-learning, webinars…).
  • Experience with online tools suited for online learning events and networking.
  • Experience in creating interactive online experiences.
  • Experience & knowledge on the main topics inclusion & diversity is highly advantageous.
  • Familiarity with the Erasmus+ programme and European Solidarity Corps.
  • Availability in October and November to prepare the online dimension of the event and implement a few online activities ahead of the on-site activity. Available to attend the I&D Forum 15-19 November (15 is team arrival).
  • Experience with using/incorporating online tools specifically enabling accessibility for people with different abilities.

Working conditions


  • Attend an intro online meeting by mid-August (exact date to be decided with selected applicant and team)
  • Develop an online dimension of the event that must be complementary and articulated with the programme already developed by the residential facilitators.
  • Implement “pre-event appetizers” to create interest and engagement
  • Prepare the online dimension of the event in cooperation with the preparatory team (including identifying technical needs).
  • Run the online dimension during the event (assuring live streaming and online participation in sessions to be identified – not the entire programme).


  • Online preparatory briefing in mid-August (preferably week 10-14 August).
  • Two pre-event appetisers end of October/beginning of November).
  • Inclusion & Diversity Forum 16-19 November 2020 (team arrival on 15, participants arrival on 16, 17-18 full working days and departure on 19 afternoon – or 20 if needed due to limited flight options).
  • If necessary, participate in additional online preparatory calls.

Trainer fees

  • In total: 1860€ (VAT included) to cover all preparation, communication, working days and follow-up (evaluation and reporting) costs.
  • SALTO Inclusion & Diversity RC (JINT vzw) and partnering NAs will cover the trainers' costs for the event.

Team composition

  • Coordination: SALTO Inclusion & Diversity RC
  • 1 Digital Facilitator selected through this call
  • 4 Residential Facilitators
  • 1 Rapporteur
  • Conference prep-team: 3 NA representatives are involved in conceptualising the conference and support its implementation

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than: 29th July 2020, 23:59 CET
How to apply:

All interested trainers should apply through the following online form:

by 23:59 CET - 29 July 2020.

Please make sure you explain how you meet all requirements listed above. Selection will be made by SALTO I&D, in consultation with prep-team. If needed, organisers might request a call to clarify previous experiences and knowledge.

You will be informed about the selection by: 5th August 2020

For more information

Henrique Gonçalves, SALTO I&D, Project Officer
Phone: +420 777 450 342


SALTO received this call via its website and is not responsible for its contents. Please contact the organiser directly for more information. Please notify of any feedback regarding the call for trainer system.

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