Recent publications by SALTO PI

Below is the list of recent publications by SALTO PI

  • A seat at the table for everyone. Promoting inclusive youth participation through the EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027
    By Corina Pirvulescu, Dan Moxon, Roman Banari, Reet Kost, Davide Capecchi (2019)

The paper aims to consider how inclusive youth participation can be promoted through the concrete tools foreseen in the EU Youth Strategy 2019 - 2027. It explores what we mean by inclusive youth participation, and the methods which can support it. It also looks at how this might be developed with three key elements of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2017 :- EU Youth Dialogue, Erasmus+ Programme: Youth Chapter and European Solidarity Corps. Are alternative forms of participation more socially inclusive? What methods make youth participation inclusive? What are the suggestions and ideas for youth work actors to be more inclusive?

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  • SALTO Think Tank on Youth Participation: closer to the edge of participation and activism 
    By Alex Farrow (2018)

This paper has been co-created with thinkers from across the European continent to harness their collective expertise, experience and perspectives. The first section considers the state of youth participation and explores the models that assist in defining, analysing and evaluating participation. It particularly notes the lack of reliable and comprehensive data and provides an overview of the European policy landscape. Building on this foundation, the second section considers the new and emerging trends in participation and youth activism – such as threats from the far-right, shifting expectations and power and the use of technology as a tool for change.

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